Several units of Coriolis µ Biological air sampler have been recently delivered to the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The Coriolis µ equipment will be used to realize a huge environmental project planned for the next few years.
Several units of Coriolis µ Biological air sampler have been recently delivered to the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The Coriolis µ equipment will be used to realize a huge environmental project planned for the next few years.
The goal is to create a complete database with the genomes of environmental bacteria, viruses and also fungi from the whole country. The sampling areas will be outdoor or indoor environments including schools, hospitals and gardens.
Coriolis µ air sampler has been selected by the University as the most suitable solution for this mission. The system is based on a cyclonic technology which concentrates the biological particles into liquid with high efficiency. The obtained sample can then be analyzed by any downstream method.
Thanks to this unit, micro-organisms can be detected even in a very low concentration. For this study, the Coriolis will be equipped with the Long Time Monitoring option that allows users to collect for up to six hours which is essential for this type of collection.
This project is realized in collaboration with the NEA (National Environmental Agency).